Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hello from Far Far Away.

Well, Obviously I have finished my Art and Technology class, but I felt the need to come back and post here if nothing more than to update a little on what is going on in my life.
It is almost the end of the spring semester and I'll be a senior this fall. I can't believe how fast time has flown and it's scary not to know where I am going. A lot has changed this year, and I really think it's for the better. I've gotten much more involved in campus and therefore in myself. I'm still learning what I love to do, which most recently is give back to the community.
I've started working for a local business here in Tampa, the Old Tampa Book Company, by being their social media extraordinaire. The couple that owns the shop has had it for almost 16 years and they are one of the cutest older couples I've met. Their story is really poignant, and the fact that they've been together since college really hits home on my romantic side. 
I've learned that I love small businesses and think I want to do ad work for them one day versus a big corporate company. I think this comes from my upbringing in a family that owned a small business and seeing the stresses that come from the corporate world. I also found that I really like volunteering for non profits. I didn't used to enjoy this, but now I can really appreciate the rewards that come from helping someone or something in need.
Some goals I have for this summer are to a. really enjoy summer as it's my "last" one as far as I know. Maybe I'll travel somewhere I've never been, that would be exciting. b. to read more books as I miss reading so much during the school year. and c. putting together my best works and attempting to make a portfolio and possibly a website. It's an ambitious chunk, but I want to take advantage of the time I have. I can already feel it slipping away and life hasn't even taken off yet.
I'm enjoying every moment and taking more risks which, thus far has proved to be rewarding. I don't want to pass up any opportunities, ever. I don't know when I'll post again, so until then, carpe diem.