Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Video Games

I thought the video game movie was interesting, but very outdated. THough we watched the most modern version of the film, it still only went up to the release of the "future" PS2. I've always been interested in videogames and how they will progress and Professor Echeverry broguht up good points about how he thinks things will simplify in the form of how the game is played. I searched for the new Play Station and Xbox and found something called OnLive, which is exactly what Santiago spoke about. From what I understand, it is a mesh of gamefly and Xbox live. You have a database of videogames right on your console through the internet. You subscribe or purchase the game to play it.

The issue that a commenter brought up however, was what happens if OnLive a. fails b. shutsdown and c. the servers are not equipped for the amount of gamer traffic they will recieve.

If any of these technological crises happen, the whole system is shot to hell.

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